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Kendin Yap | E-Likit Likit Mutfağı...Master Evyap⚡️

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Kimetsan gliserin ve kimetsan Propilen glikol her zamanki gibi 70/30 oranın da karıştırdım.Fakat acı bir tat var nedeni ne olabilir.Çözümü ne olabilir.Üstatlardan yardım.....
Tamamını okumaya fırsatım olmadı, not olarak eklemiş olayım,

We want to officially reply to some assertions we came to know about last Friday, 23rd of July, which might appear to refer to our company, more specifically to our manufacturing technique we use to produce the lines Organic 4Pod and Extreme 4Pod-White, named “SELECTIVE PURIFICATION” (our registered trademark).
The assertions we are referring to are clearly implying that, “to selectively purify the extracts” there might be an use of:

???????????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????: For those who do not know the term, these are a wide number of solvents, among which there are dangerous substances for human beings, such as chloroform, dichloromethane and many more.
We feel the need to reply to such spurious and unfounded allegations with two types of considerations:
1) When the job is done by a competent firm, investing in cutting-edge machinery, in research and development, in normative consultancy and thorough and costly analyses, the most obvious thing to do is to completely avoid this absolutely not safe approach.
Our products are 100% from plant origin and all of our manufacturing techniques are based on innovative principles of mechanics and physics WITHOUT ANY ADDITION OR USE OF DANGEROUS CHEMICAL ADDITIVES. Our extraction processes are so effective only thanks to our investments in research, development and cutting-edge machinery.
All of this is further supported by investments in normative consultancy on the National and European regulations, together with thorough and meticulous analyses, on all of our tobacco extracts, we periodically commission to independent accredited laboratories of research.
As a matter of fact, we want to highlight that on our tobacco extracts, since the very beginning of our business, we effect microbiological analyses (bacteria, yeasts and molds), heavy metals, mycotoxins, aflatoxins, ochratoxins, amines, nitrosamines, pesticides residues.

For all these reasons, it is evident that the choice of using non-suitable products, such as the abovementioned ones, would never be suiting our company and would not do any justice to the research, the investments and the sacrifices we made to bring to the market our best interpretation of the top possible technology and innovation on a tobacco extract, be it the Tobacco Extracts Line or the Extreme 4Pod-White Line.

2) On Friday itself, we sent to the laboratory of analysis 3 samples, lot 171-White Latakia, 174-White Virginia (to analyse two tobaccos we could consider as extreme opposites, one being a dark fire-cured while the other a blond air-cured), together with 172-White Kentucky, selected as a random sample among our White products for another kind of test we will explain subsequently.
For these samples, we required to analyse not just one, but all the possible organic solvents. This analysis is actually completely pointless for us (it has the same logic of looking for paracetamol on a tobacco extract, it would be absurd!) but we did it nonetheless, exclusively to reassure our clients who obviously, not being chemists, may have been in doubt. A manufacturer laboratory should only research these substances which could be reasonably found in the final product, in an analytical and rational way, as it would be nonsensical to research substances which for no reason could be part of the final product unless intentionally added.

Of course we cannot replicate what we did today for every “rumour”, but in this case we are not discussing simple assertions, but very severe and allusive statements towards us which may, furthermore, create uncertainty and needless concerns for our customers.
Therefore, together with considering to evaluate the subsistence of profiles for any adequate legal action, also to protect our reputation and brand image we want to protect even from any indirect and allusive allegations, we wanted to share the evidence from the analyses we commissioned, which we received today, and we attach as a pdf to this official communique.
COLUMN CROMATOGRAPHY: This is an analytical method used to separate substances, a very archaic technique which possesses two main features:
1) it is extremely slow, it can be used for small fractions during lab analyses, such as the first ones on an academic level, but not at all apt for an industrial production process.
2) it necessarily involves a compress of silica, which makes the operation really dangerous for the operator.
Also this utterance leaves us extremely perplex on the technical competences of the source, but what leaves us even more puzzled is the last evidence we are going to present.

HEXANE: you read that right! Among the mass of falsehood, there was even the insinuation that our purified extracts (White) may contain hexane.
Let’s start by saying that hexane is an organic solvent, composed by hydrogen and carbon, which has a relevant peculiarity when mixed with propylene glycol (only substance that can be found in our extracts, the exact composition is propylene glycol and tobacco extract). This peculiarity is the ABSOLUTE NON MIXABILITY of the two components!
Thus, we welcome these critiques with absolute hilarity.
In any case, we had to ask to the lab of analysis to test a third sample selected randomly among our White products. This test was to mix our white extract with hexane (SUBSTANCE THAT OBVIOUSLY WE DO NOT POSSESS IN OUR LABORATORY), the result is evident in the picture attached to this communique:
1) Mixing the two components is simply impossible, they become stratified, with the hexane above and our product underneath. The product simply splits immediately.
2) If a single drop of hexane was there (and its total absence is reported in the attached analyses results) it would be immediately visible to the naked eye. Also this aspect is emblematic of the situation and of the lack of any technical ground to these allegations.

There is something we are resolutely sure: after “Shake and Vape”, our “Selective Purification” has been another major revolution and innovation for our industry, we obtained it through a number of sacrifices and a whole lot of passion, and to this day it is AN ENTIRELY ITALIAN PRIDE!
Kendin-yap işini bitirmek fena oldu benim için. Güzel şeyler planlıyordum bu başlıkta paylaşmak için. Neyse… Sağlık başlığını kaybetmiştik, bazı başlıklarla birlikte. Hem sağlık hem de K-Y ile alakalı diye buraya ekliyorum,

(Reddit’te paylaşılmış.)
Yanlış anlamadıysam %1 ws-23 kullanılmış likitten günde 3ml'den fazla kullanmayın gibi bir sonuç çıkardım, sonuç olarak mentol, koolada vs. gibi efektörleri ya hiç kullanmamak yada çok az kullanmak gerekiyor sanırım.
Ben de inw am4a ve smoked plum içeren bir reçete çıkartmaya çalıştım bir ara, hatta boba's klonu yapmaya çalışırken de inw smoked plum katmıştım içine :unsure:
Farklı başlıktan buraya taşıdım mesajı. ???? Bobas’taki bu profil, bana göre, bir illüzyonun sonucu. Doğru düzgün vakit ayırıp, kağıda dökmeye fırsatım olamadı; fakat, yanlış hatırlamıyorsam, adres bir aromanın içindeki çikolata tadı (off-note olarak) olabilir.
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Alışveriş yaptım halen daha aroma aldığım oluyor uygun bir site. Istanbul Güngören terazidereden elden de veriyor. Ama mevzu nikotin olunca bilemiyorum
Üstatlarım sa. Başka yerden sorsam buradan cevap vereceksiniz sizi yormayayım ????Soru şu
Likit demlerken nbase içine aromayı döküp çalkaladık orası tamam. Sonrasında sıcak suya koyma, havalandırma vs. gerekli mi? Yoksa çalkalayıp unutmak en iyisi mi?
İyice çalkalamanız yeterli bence. Diğer işlemler nikotini olumsuz etkileyebilir, ve doğal olarak, likitinizi.

(Soru burada da bulunsun diye alıntılamış oldum.)